Monday, February 15, 2010

Sayonara Sekai

My Japanese teacher is trying to get a study abroad program in Japan started for the Summer 2010 semester and if it goes through, she wants me to apply. I've spent the last few weeks goin over the pros and cons of goin through with it.

On the plus, I'd have a wonderful experience. I'd make new contacts and lots of friends which will be invaluable once I come over to teach. I'd also get away from my family and their bullshit for a few months, something i'd enjoy immensely. Also, all the sexy Japanese girls I can flirt with.

On the flipside, one of the big things troubling me is that I'd miss out on everything happening that summer, parties, good times with friends, not to mention Anime Expo... (i'd be giving up a FREE PASS T-T) Japan's also really expensive and depending on who also goes with the program, i'd have to spend time making new friends, a chore sometimes indeed.

But I think the most pertinent thought on my mind is: "What if I don't come back? Or worse yet, if I don't WANT to..."

Sunday, February 14, 2010

This is Armond Oliphant...

-John Connor Terminator Salvation voice-
...and if you're listening to this, you are the resistance.

No not really. Just realized i totally forgot i had this thing. It's been over a year since i've blogged (not counting Facebook, addicting so i thought i'd take this moment to pick up where i left off.

Given a perfect world, where everything makes sense, this would've been the 2yr anniversary of a very special day. Alas, the world is flawed, humanity is flawed and thus here we are.

Valentine's day has always been a day of great irritation to me. Its like the whole world desperately tries to unite itself with anyone they can just so they don't feel like a loser who's alone. I thank that fateful day in 8th grade when someone in my class declared it "National Singles Day." To think that you don't have to be with someone to be happy...its just a blissful feeling. I wish more people felt the same (lookin at you girls out there, lol.) However, some people truly have found true loves and for them this is a wonderful holiday. I can appreciate that sentiment as well.

As a day as a whole, it was actually pretty good. midnight to 6a was a great way to start it off, followed by sleep and a great breakfast. then some interweb and more sleep, followed by "The Wolfman" (2010) which was as good as i expected given the two lead actors, and of course Hugo Weaving. (I totally wanted to see him go Matrix on the wolfman, lol.)

As for life, its been an interesting turn of events. We finally have a black president. He did exactly what I said he would, not much, and NO its not his fault. YOU try tellin a bunch of rich white folks who made their money on the backs of the poor and stupid and they're gonna hafta give it back, you'd better believe they're not just gonna take that lying down. Human nature has never been to just change overnight cold turkey. That shit takes years. Hell, the only reason i KNOW Obama won't be assassinated is because he'd become a martyr like Dr. King and Rodney King and the black people would somehow manage unite with the hispanics and MAYBE the asian community and it would be game over for white folks. Honestly, you bred us to be stronger and more athletic than you, pissing us off and aiming the focus at YOU will NEVER work out in your favor, lol.

Had a good time at AX09, cosplay group is comin along nicely (though its not the group i expected to be Finally got the hell away from RCC and i'm very bored at This semester looks to be fruitful, i should pass all my classes with at least a B if i put in even a small amount of effort. Last August my house flooded, leavin my family to live first in the Hampton suites, then an apartment, but now we're finally back home. It feels good to start over with a new leaf. New surroundings, new mindsets, its strangely humbling how easy it is to change when your stuff changes with you.

As for love, i've finally embraced my bachelor lifestyle, i'm no longer wasting my life looking for "the one." If she shows up soon i'd be blessed, but if not i'll keep doin my thang til she does. After years of self-doubt, a female friend of mine set me straight once and for all. I've recently finally come to terms with my "endowment," for lack of a more suitable word. All i can say is to every woman who've i'd had relations with, i'm truly sorry. I knew not that I did...I...I just knew not. On the flipside, its a very confusing feeling being told by a woman that they will not sleep with you because you're TOO big. I believe its like a supermodel being told that no one will date him/her because they're too beautiful and that every person after them would be hideous by comparison. And for every guy that reads this and is offended by my complaining, consider that more than likely, you'll probably get more sex BECAUSE you're normal.

Which brings me to my final topic. Actually that last paragraph had nothin to do with this one, but its the last thing I wanna say. Fucking. Niggas.

Damn you all to hell.

Before i get the "you hate your own kind speech" let me clarify that there are black people and there are niggas. Chris Rock said it best, niggas fuck shit up for the rest of us. This is a complete fact. I've tried posting this to wikipedia but it can never get cleared. I went to the movies today to see "Wolfman." Movie started at 750p. we were in the theater at 720. I figured hey instead of payin 20 bucks in theater food, i'll run to Carl's Jr and sneak it in. I walk and make it back in plenty of time. Its 748 when i approach the theater, only to have that section of the mall gated off. When i asked a vendor what the deal was, a girl (cute one btw, lol) told me a huge fight broke out in Harkins between some black and chinese teens. By the time i went the long way to the front of the theater, it was 755 and the theater was temp. closed. No one could come in, tickets or no tickets. I had to stand there waiting in line as about 8-9 black teens were ejected from the theater.
And the most outrageous part, the ones who were clearly responsible for the riot, were mad because they were thrown out for CAUSING SAID RIOT. It was so bad one of the security guards wanted to fight one of the kids. And meanwhile, I, and several other patrons who had already bought tickets were denyed access to the movie because it was a safety issue. I wasn't allowed entry into my movie til 810. I totally understand safety protocols, but i insisted that the theater refunded my money after the movie because i had missed the crucial opening scene, plus the trailers.
I just don't understand how the mind of a nigga works. They have to know that their actions have consequences, but they do it anyways, and with pride. The fact that they have no regard for others around them is obvious, but it almost feels like they do it on purpose. It blows my mind. And a nigga is easy to spot; if you know a person who acts and feels like the world owes something to them, especially if they've done nothing to deserve it...that's a nigga. And no, this doesn't apply to just black people anymore, though a good 80% of niggas ARE black. No, i believe that any dumb idiot who acts like they're hot shit just because they a nigga. A common example is spoiled rich white kids who act black, aka wiggas. they're white niggas. There's white niggas, black niggas, chinese niggas, etc. Yes, there is a nigga spectrum folks, believe me.

You'll have to forgive my ranting, its been a long night and i'm very wired. I've posted alot this time around, hopefully I'll post more often and it will be smaller and the ideas less "scattered."

To everyone out there who read ALL of this, you have my thanks and my sympathies, lol. And for those of you who read this whole thing JUST to see if I talked shit on you...that's just sad. lol.

Also, i'm thinking of a witty ending tagline to sign off with. If you have any ideas, lemme know.

-Insert Witty Tagline Here-

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008, eat a dick.

This year has been nuts to say the least. The country has never been this bad in any of our lifetimes, friends have lost their homes, their jobs, their savings, and the what little money the country has left is diluted into two and now maybe three virtually unwinnable wars (by unwinnable i mean there is no upside for America other than some dead terrorists.)

Even on a personal level, things haven't been the best. I lost my job for the first time ever, family and friends have died in abundance this year, and finding a new job has NEVER been this hard before. It looked like things would be bad for a long time.

But its not all depressing and emo folks. There have been numerous good things that have kept me going this year.

First of all, for the first time, I had a memorable Valentine's Day. That will be a day that I'll never forget. I truly fell in love that day and I know that feeling will continue into the new year.

Next on my list was Anime Expo 2008, which despite many protests, was a wonderful event and i'll be looking for to it again in 09.

Third and most important, after 4+ years of paying my own way little by little through RCC, i'm done. Literally. I have all my transfer units and will FINALLY be transferring to Cal State San Bernardino this Spring Semester 2009. After that, it's only 1.5+ years to my Bachelor's Degree in English. I'm really looking forward to that.

And Lastly, on November 4th, 2008, America voted...and a majority of people voted in Barack Obama in as President of the United States. As much as I don't like putting emphasis on the fact that he's black, that really was a history-changing event no matter how you look at it.

It is a shame though that on that same propserous day, California revealed just how prejudice it still was by voting YES on Prop 8, once again banning gay marriage and setting our social progress back over a decade. Sad to see that people can allow FEAR to cloud their judgement. I really thought we had learned from our mistakes in 2001.

In the midst of all this mayhem, there was still time to check out the occasional movie. 2008 was and will "forever" be known as the Year of the Superhero. Iron Man, Hancock, The Incredible Hulk, and The Dark Knight. Man, it was a good year for some movies...and RIP Heath Ledger.

Overall, this year was the worst America's seen in a long time, but it wasn't so bad that we need to commit suicide. At least gas prices are still fair, GOD that was scary, I actually thought gas would get to $4.99 a gallon. Thank god we dodged that bullet. And look on the bright side, the way things are going, if things keep getting better, 2009 looks to be VERY promising. Keep your heads up my friends, and please, watch the NEWS every now and again.

-Armond (Ebony Angel/Froboi)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

How I felt about us...

The Mountain Goats - "Old College Try" (from the Tallahassee album)

From the housetops to the gutters
From the ocean to the shore
The warning signs have all been bright and garish
Far too great in number to ignore

From the cities to the swamplands
From the highways to the hills
Our love has never had a leg to stand on
From the aspirins to the cross-tops to the Elevils
But I will walk down to the end with you
If you will come all the way down with me

From the entrance to the exit
Is longer than it looks from where we stand
I want to say I'm sorry for stuff I haven't done yet
Things will shortly get completely out of hand
I can feel it in the rotten air tonight
In the tips of my fingers
In the skin on my face
In the weak last gasp of the evening's dying light
In the way those eyes I've always loved illuminate this place
Like a trashcan fire in a prison cell
Like the searchlights in the parking lots of hell
I will walk down to the end with you
If you will come all the way down with me

Now playing: The Mountain Goats - Old College Try
via FoxyTunes

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Getting Started.

Welcome everyone, to the Inner Sanctorium of my mind. Here you will find my inner most thoughts and feelings, as well as my views of reality, life, and the existence of humanity.

Most of what's put here will be blogs I didn't want all of Myspace to read, or even better, stuff related to my Myspace blogs, but uncut and unadulterated. There will also be the occasional movie/game/anime reviews.

Be warned, many of you may find these archives disturbing, but again, you have been warned.

Thanks for visiting and enjoi the show...